Maps I have produced for Clients as well as personal projects

Map of Greater Boston from a project proposal, Spring 2020

Urban CamTran routes in Johnstown, Pennsylvania region, Spring 2020

Travel Flows in Greater Johnstown, PA, Spring 2020

Adjusted Composite Density for Johnstown, PA, Spring 2020

Adjusted Population Density for Johnstown, PA, Spring 2020

Rural CamTran+ Routes in Cambria County, PA (Spring 2020)

Transit Index Factors (TIF) map for Cambria County, PA, Spring 2020

Greater Boston MBTA Station Area Walkability Scores, Spring 2020

Greater Boston MBTA Station Area Bikeability Scores and Bikesheds, Spring 2020

MBTA Commuter Rail Parking Utilization and Inventory, Winter 2020

Cotton Express Bus Service in Coolidge, AZ, Fall 2019

CART Fixed-Route Service in Pinal County, AZ, Fall 2019

Activity Centers in Pinal County, AZ, Fall 2019

Cities where Pinal County residents work, Fall 2019

Bus-On-Shoulder Service operated by Pace Bus in the Chicagoland Area, Fall 2019

Bus Service in the Greater Joliet, IL Region, Fall 2019

Major Job Centers in the Chicagoland Area, Fall 2019

National Highway System map for Connecticut DOT

Map of a fictional transit system for a case study produced for the Transportation Research Board (TRB)'s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP)

Visuals from Urban Design Studio presentation on proposed design interventions in Back of the Yards, Spring 2017

Map of University of Chicago properties and parking lots along 61st street for Geography BA Thesis, Spring 2017

Points of Interest, a vaguely speculative narrative map based on a heatmap of my actual location history data, February 2017

Diagram of Buckingham Fountain for Chicago Urban Design, Fall 2016

Map diagram of Kenwood Avenue between 60th and 61st Streets for Chicago Urban Design class assignment, November 2016

Where Google Maps Told Me I Was
Ongoing digital mapping project, created using my Google Location History data, exported into QGIS then Adobe Illustrator

Partial map of Washington, DC for the conference table of Dr. Chris Gerdes, Chief Innovation Officer, US Department of Transportation

Where Google Maps Told Me I Went, 6/10-6/16